About me

Hey there, I am Julian!

I am a photographer based in Berlin, Germany. I mostly photograph the local woodlands in Berlin and my hometown, Brunswick. However, if you're lucky, you can also find me and my camera while documenting life on the streets.


Ever since I was a young, I was fascinated by taking photos. After getting my first camera with 10, I started taking picture of anything and everything: Flowers, animals at the zoo and of course our family holidays. I loved to capture fleeting moments and document what was happening around me. Nothing was safe from my camera.

As I grew older, my expectations towards my images grew. What started with the seemingly simple wish to take more pleasing pictures, quickly turned into a hobby that I didn’t want to let go of. I started watching YouTube videos on composition theory, how to properly understand and use light and, of course, how to properly use a camera. Soon, the capabilities of my point-and-shoot came to its limits and I bought my first mirrorless camera. My dedicated photography journey began.

Inspired by photographers like Nigel Danson, I started exploring the local woodlands near my hometown Brunswick. Not long and I fell in love with photographing inside the forest. Particularly on early misty mornings, the woods felt and still feel magical to me: the wavering fog, the still cold air from the night and the serene silence except the orchestra of birds welcoming the new day.

Despite my love for woodland photography, I like to shoot nature in general. Photographing the Baltic Sea or the Harz mountains always lets me face new challenges and greatly affects the way I see the surrounding nature.

To me, landscape photography is not only a great way to be creative, but is a welcome contrast to my rather fast-paced university life. Due to its slow nature, shooting landscapes allows me to slow down, letting go of the week by solely focusing on the subject ahead. Consequently, my weekends often include a bike ride with my camera, exploring the nature around me and taking photos.

Since moving to Berlin in 2021, street photography is something that I became very passionate about. The change in subject is a great source of inspiration and helps me improve my photography. I love exploring the sea of endless compositions and subjects the city presents. It feels like there’s always something to photograph on the street – no matter what the condition.